Insights Designer

If your data is voluminous and distributed across different apps, you need a tool that can pull, analyze, and present data in easy-to-understand charts and graphs.

Vtiger Insights Designer helps you analyze vast amounts of data and build custom reports. The feature provides full control to CRM users to build specific BI reports suited to their needs.

Application and Use Cases of Insights Designer

Using the Insights Designer, you can:

  • Create an Insight page with multiple report widgets
  • Fetch data from different endpoints. It supports the following queries
    • Vtiger Webservice query
    • Custom Rest APIs from Vtiger API Designer
  • Visualize and display data in various modes
    • Table
    • Pivot
    • Different types of charts
  • Pin the designed Insight (report) to the Dashboard
  • Share generated insights with other users
  • Insights Designer can be used in a wide range of industries.

Following are a few use cases:

  • E-commerce: Insights Designer can help online retailers track and analyze customer behavior, such as browsing and purchasing habits, to optimize their website and product offerings.
  • Finance: Insights Designer can be used to analyze financial data, such as stock prices and market trends, to inform investment decisions and predict future market trends.
  • Healthcare: Insights Designer can help healthcare providers analyze patient data, such as medical histories and treatment outcomes, to improve patient care and treatment protocols.
  • Marketing: Insights Designer can help marketing teams analyze customer data to develop more targeted and effective marketing campaigns.
  • Supply Chain Management: Insights Designer can analyze supply chain operations data, such as inventory levels and shipping times, to optimize supply chain efficiency and reduce costs.
  • Social Media: Insights Designer can help social media managers track and analyze user engagement metrics, such as likes and shares, to inform content creation and marketing strategies.
  • Education: Insights Designer can be used to analyze student data, such as test scores and attendance records, to inform curriculum development and improve student outcomes.

Insights Designer Components

The following are the components available in the Insights Designer:

  • Insight - A record in the Insights Designer module is called an Insight.
  • Widget - Each report inside an Insight is called a Widget.
    • Input - Data sources that are used to fetch the data.
    • Transform - Ability to write javascript code to alter the data if needed.
    • Output - Where you can set up the output details for data visualization.

For more details and information on how to use the Insights Designer refer this guide