

vtapit is a Command line tool that enables you to develop and manage VTAP Apps created from the App Creator (Platform > App Creator). It has sub-commands similar to the git which makes it easy to learn and get started.

Get Started

Create a new application (testapp) on Main Menu > Platform > App Creator

Download your OS compatible with executable - https://extend.vtiger.com/vtap/vtapit/dist

Sub Commands

cloneMakes a copy of the application created in the CRM to your local working directory.
runEnables runtime on the local working directory, which uses local files and CRM Apis for data.
addLets you add newly created local files to the CRM app.
statusLets you check status of newly added or modified local files.
pushUploads all the local changes (add or modify functions) made to the files to the CRM app.
publishWhen all local changes are pushed - use this sub-command to make it available.
pullDownloads all the changes from the CRM app back to a local working directory. A conflict marker file is created if a file has changed in the CRM but not in the local directory. You need to use the diff tool to compare changes and then use the Resolve sub-command.
resolveConfirm the conflict (diff) changes you have managed to review.


This will copy the files of the custom app to your local system.

vtapit clone --crmapp=CRMAPP --crmurl=CRMURL DIRECTORY
  • CRMAPP - App name that you have provided in the App Creator Module
  • CRMURL - URL to your CRM Account
  • DIRECTORY - The local directory where the cloned application files will be saved. Ensure this path is correct and writable


vtapit clone --crmapp=testapp --crmurl=https://your.odx.vtiger.crm local_dir/testapp

You will be prompted for CRM Username and Password for authentication


This command will run the custom app on your local server. After running this command, you can access it http://localhost:8080/myapps/YOUR_APPNAME

cd local_dir/testapp
vtapit run


This command will add a new file to your application.

cd local_dir/testapp
touch path_to_new_file
vtapit add path_to_new_file


This command will show status of files in local directory of application.

cd local_dir/testapp
vtapit status


This command will send the updated files and commit them to the app creator.

cd local_dir/testapp
vtapit push


Applies the changed files (saved throgh Push) to application. Users can view the new changes to the app.

cd local_dir/testapp
vtapit publish


This command will pull the changes done on the app creator by other developers to your local copy.

cd local_dir/testapp
vtapit pull


In case of conflict resolution, this command will mark the file path to resolve so it can be published to the app creator.

cd local_dir/testapp
vtapit resolve path_to_file

Note: You can set up CRM environment variables to avoid repeating on the command line.



You can use VSCode extension too.