In-App Customization

Module Designer allow you to customize in-app experience.

Navigate to Main Menu > Platform > Module Designer

Custom Component

Choose Movies Module.

Click + Component and add Custom MovieDetailPopup component.

Copy-and-Paste the component definition below:

var vtcmmovies_Component_MovieDetailPopup = VTAP.Component.Core.extend({
    /* caller will send the attribute */
    props: ["movieinfo"],
    template: `<b-modal :title="movieinfo.title">{{movieinfo.overview}}
        <p><img width="100%" height="480px" 
            :src="'' + movieinfo.poster_path"></p>

Click Save and Publish

Custom Button

Switch to UI Actions

Now Add UI Component

OnClick Javascript code with VTAP JS runtime:

VTAP.Detail.Record().then( (record) => {
        {moviename: record["fld_vtcmmoviesname"], releasedon: record["fld_releasedon"]}, 
        (e, res) => {
            if (e) return alert(e.message);
            var results = JSON.parse(res.content).results;

                /* To load vtcmmovies_Component_MovieDetailPopup */
                component : VTAP.Component.Load('MovieDetailPopup', 'vtcmmovies'),  
                /* and bind to component property */
                componentData : {movieinfo : results[0]}, 
                modalOnModalMode : true

Click OK


Movie Detail Button

OnClick Popup

We have now made Agent life easier to get details of movie within CRM!