App Creator provides Javascript runtime under VTAP
which provides helper APIs to interact with CRM.
Component is the representation of UI element on the page. It controls the presentation of data based on UI state.
You can create custom components by extending core component as follows:
var MyModule_Component_BasicButton = VTAP.Component.Core.extend({});
To create Settings View
component for MyModule
you should use:
var MyModule_Component_SettingsView = VTAP.Component.Core.extend({});
Core component has lifecycle hooks as of VueJS 2.x read more
var MyModule_Component_RegisterButton = VTAP.Component.Core.extend({
props: {
/* parent to this component */
data() {
return {
/* self data variables */
components: {
/* dependent components */
template: `<div>Custom component HTML structure</div>`,
created() {
/* setup listener to events (or) fetch data */
mounted() {
/* UI element is mounted to DOM */
VTAP.Component.Load(name, module)
- Load and return Vtiger Component Object.
name | string |
module | string |
object | Vtiger Component |
- Find Vtiger Component Object defined by name.
name | string |
module | string |
object | Vtiger Component |
VTAP.Component.Register(type, data, component, filter)
- Add and Return custom component on a Page.
type | string | type of component to be added, click here for complete list with examples. |
data | object | Many components only depend on data to show in UI, these are generally key-value pair values. See component types for examples |
component | Vtiger Component | Custom component that you want to render in the UI. |
filter | object | Use this when you want to restrict the component to be loaded for a particular module. For example {‘module’:’Contacts’) |
object | Vtiger Component |
This API allows subscribing to UI Event Hooks that are emitted by core or custom components on the page. Visual representation of the hooks is shown below:
See all UI Hooks here
Get current page view name like list, detail etc.
Get logged in user details like first name, last name, email, profile image, isadmin etc.
Provides utility functions like showing modal, show success/error UI notification etc.
Shows success UI notification - useful to inform success after the action.
message | string | The message that needs to be shown in notification. Default values to "Success". |
Shows the error UI notification - useful to inform users about failed actions.
message | string | The message that needs to be shown in notification. (default=error) |
VTAP.Utility.ShowPopup({component, componentData, modalOnModalMode})
Shows a popup modal
component | Vtiger Component | This is Vtiger Vue component, see here for more details. |
componentData | object | It will hold parameters that need to be sent to the Vtiger component to be shown in popup. |
modalOnModalMode | boolean | If there is another popup then do you want to show the modal on top of it or not. (default=false) |
component : VTAP.Component.Load('Relation', 'MYMODULE'),
componentData : {title : 'List of records'},
modalOnModalMode : true
var MYMODULE_Component_Relation = VTAP.Component.Core.extend({
//We are using boostrap-vue components b-modal here. Check [here](https://bootstrap-vue.org/docs/components/modal) more details.
`<b-modal id="modal-1" title="Vtiger popup">
<p class="my-4">Add popup contents here</p>
VTAP.Utility.HidePopup('modal-1') - This will hide the popup opened by ShowPopup API. 'modal-1' is the id value from the above pop up template example.
VTAP.Utility.UserLabels() - This returns a list of all the CRM users and their ids. This is useful to identify owner of the record as API's return back in the form of ID.
VTAP.Utility.ShowProgress() - This can be used to when some background tasks like fetching data from the server is initiated, and inform user to wait for the job to complete.
VTAP.Utility.HideProgress() - This is used to hide the progress bar initiated by ShowProgress API.
This API lets you see the preview of a CRM record, given you have crm ID and the name of the module.
id | string | This is the CRM record ID. |
module | string | Module name |
VTAP.Utility.ShowRecordPreview('1234', 'Contacts')
Shows a quickcreate popup modal
record | object | Here we need to send params to which quickcreate modal fields will be populated with that data |
module | string | Module name |
callback | function | user handler function |
var MYMODULE_Component_ComponentName = VTAP.Component.Core.extend({
//Here record is injected by the VTAP framework.
props : ['record'],
created() {
var showRecordCreate = ()=>{
clickHandler : showRecordCreate
}, '', {module:'MODULENAME'});
Shows a edit popup modal of a record
record | object | Vtiger_Record_Model object |
module | string | Module name |
callback | function | user handler function |
let record = Vtiger_Record_Model.getCleanInstance();
record.set('id', '12345');
VTAP.Utility.ShowRecordEdit(record, 'Contacts', () => {
//callback function
Shows a delete popup confirmation of a record.
record_id | number | Vtiger_Record_CRMID |
module | string | Module name |
VTAP.Utility.ShowRecordDelete(record_id, 'Contacts', () => {
//callback function
Provides helper function to work on List View Page.
VTAP.List.Records() returns current record objects available in the list page.
Returns void
VTAP.List.NextPageExist() - checks if there are records in the next page.
Boolean | Returns true if records exists in next page, if not then returns false |
VTAP.List.PrevPageExist() : checks if there are records in the previous page.
Boolean | Returns true if records exists in previous page else returns false |
VTAP.List.NextPage() : moves the current page to the next page.
Returns void
VTAP.List.PreviousPage() : moves the current page to the previous page if it exists.
Returns void
VTAP.List.Reload() : reloads the current page, all the meta data are retained like page, search, ordering etc. It only reloads the list page records not the entire page.
Returns void
VTAP.List.Search(searchobject) : It searches for the search string, you can search for multiple fields. It searches for those fields that are available in the UI.
searchObject | object | javascript map of fieldname and search string. |
VTAP.List.Search({'firstname':'John', 'lastname':'wick'})
VTAP.List.ClearSearch() : It will remove all the search values applied for all the fields.
Returns void
VTAP.List.Sort(fieldname, order) : It will sort the list page with the fieldname.
fieldname | string | Name of the field on which sort has to be applied |
order | string | 'asc' for ascending order, 'desc' for descending order. (default=desc) |
VTAP.List.SelectedRecords() : It gives a list of records selected in the list page.
Promise | Returns Promise function, use a handler to get the list of records. |
VTAP.List.SelectedRecords().then( (records) => {
Provides helper functions to work with Detail View Page.
VTAP.Detail.Id() : If you are in the detail page, then it returns record id.
integer | it returns record id |
VTAP.Detail.Module() : This function returns the name of the module.
string | it returns module name |
VTAP.Detail.Record() : It returns a current record object.
Promise | It returns Promise function, use handler to get record object |
VTAP.Detail.Record().then( (record) => {
//record is of type Vtiger_Record_Model
VTAP.Detail.RefreshRecord() : This function is used to refresh the record in detail view when any PUT or POST action is performed.
VTAP.Detail.Relations() : This function returns all the relationship meta with the current record(module).
Promise | It returns Promise function, use handler to get relation objects |
VTAP.Detail.Relations().then( (relations) => { });
VTAP.Detail.Relation(module) : Use this function to get relation meta for a particular module.
module | string | module name of the relation |
Promise | It returns Promise function, use handler to get relation object |
VTAP.Detail.Relation('Contacts').then( (relations) => { });
VTAP.Detail.RelatedRecords(module, filterobject) : It returns related records of the current record.
module | string | module name of the relation |
filterobject | object | filterobject lets you set a page, filter conditions etc. |
extrafields | array | Use this parameter to include extra fields beyond the default ones, such as fields that are not enabled for Quick Create, Header, etc. You can include the label field to fetch the record's name in the API's response. |
Promise | It returns Promise function, use handler to get filtered records |
VTAP.Detail.RelatedRecords('Contacts', {page : 2, filter : [] }).then(
(records) => {
Assume you are working with the Contacts module and want to retrieve related Case records that include fields such as casechannel and slastatus, which are not part of the default response. You can now easily include these fields in your API request.
VTAP.Detail.RelatedRecords("Cases", { 'extrafields': ['casechannel', 'slastatus'] })
.then((case_records) => {
// Process the retrieved case records with extra fields
When fetching related Case records, you might want to include the record's name for easy identification. Simply pass label as an additional field.
VTAP.Detail.RelatedRecords("Cases", { 'extrafields': ['label'] })
.then((case_records) => {
// The response now includes the label (name) of each case
VTAP.Detail.RelatedRecordsCount(module, filterobject) : It gives you total records available in the relation.
module | string | module name of the relation |
filterobject | object | filterobject lets you set filter conditions etc. |
Promise | It returns Promise function, use handler to get filtered records |
VTAP.Detail.RelatedRecordsCount('Contacts', {filter : [ ] }).then( (count) => { });
VTAP.Detail.ShowRelatedRecordCreate(record,module,callback) : It opens QuickCreateRelatedModal popup and allows to create related records
record | object | Get detail recordmodel send as record object ,you can see here for reference |
module | string | Related Module name |
callback | function | user handler function |
var MYMODULE_Component_DetailButton = VTAP.Component.Core.extend({
var showRelatedRecordCreate = ()=>{
clickHandler : showRelatedRecordCreate
}, '', {module:'Deals'});
Provides helper function to get access to module meta information on any page.
VTAP.Modules.CurrentModuleName() : returns current module name.
string | module name |
VTAP.Modules.CurrentModuleModel() : It returns current module meta information.
Promise | It returns Promise function, use handler to get module object |
VTAP.Modules.CurrentModuleModel().then( (moduleObject) => { });
VTAP.Modules.GetModule(modulename) : It returns module meta information for passed modulename.
modulename | string | name of the module |
Promise | It returns Promise function, use handler to get module object |
VTAP.Modules.GetModule('Contacts').then( (moduleObject) => { })
VTAP.Modules.GetAll() : It returns list of accessible modules
Promise | It returns Promise function, use handler to get module list |
VTAP.Modules.GetAll().then( (moduleList) => { });
Provides helper functions to interact with core product APIs. For more details on see here
VTAP.Api.Get(uri, parameters, callback) : Performs get request on the uri and returns the response to the callback handler.
uri | string | unique server resources, see here for the [list] (Core-server-resources) |
parameters | object | parameters required for the uri, it is to be given in key-value format |
callback | function(error, success) | handler function gets response from server |
Example: To retrieve record information
VTAP.Api.Get('records', {id : VTAP.Detail.Id(),
module : VTAP.Detail.Module()}, (error, response) => {
//response has record data
VTAP.Api.Post(uri, parameters, callback) : It is used to add new resources to the server.
uri | string | unique server resources, see here for the [list] (Core-server-resources) |
parameters | object | parameters required for the uri, it is to be given in key-value format |
callback | function(error, success) | handler function gets response from server |
Example : To add a Contact record
VTAP.Api.Post('records', {module : 'Contacts', firstname : 'John', 'lastname' : 'Wick', 'email' : 'john@wick.com'}, (error, response) => {
//response will have record data
VTAP.Api.Put(uri, parameters, callback) : It updates an existing resource on the server.
uri | string | unique server resources, see here for the list [list] (Core-server-resources) |
parameters | object | parameters required for the uri, it is to be given in key-value format |
callback | function(error, success) handler function gets response from server |
Example: To update Contact record, id is the record crmid or the id you see in the url of detail page.
VTAP.Api.Put('records', {module : 'Contacts', id : '123', 'email' : 'newjohn@newwick.com'}, (error, response) => {
//response will have record data
VTAP.Api.delete(uri, parameters, callback) : This function deletes a resource on the server.
uri | string | unique server resources, see here for the [list] (Core-server-resources) |
parameters | object | parameters required for the uri, it is to be given in key-value format |
callback | function(error, success) | handler function gets response from server |
Example: To delete a Contact record.
VTAP.Api.Delete('records', {module : 'Contacts', id : '123'}, (error, response) => { });
Provides helper functions to invoke API defined through API Designer using logged in user context. Signature of the functions are similar to VTAP.Api scope.
VTAP.CustomApi.Get(uri, parameters, callback) : Performs get request on the uri and returns the response to the callback handler.
uri | string | unique server resources created from API Designer |
parameters | object | parameters required for the uri, it is to be given in key-value format |
callback | function(error, success) | handler function gets response from server |
Example: To retrieve weather of a Mailing City of a Contact (get_weather added from Api Designer)
VTAP.Detail.Record().then( (record) => {
VTAP.CustomApi.Get('get_weather', {'city' : record.mailingcity},
(error, response) => {
//response has record data
Provides helper functions register, unregister and listen on Vtiger UI Events.
VTAP.Event.Register(eventname, handlerName) : It allows you to register for vtiger events or custom events.
eventname | string | name of the event, list of supported events are here |
handlerName | function | handler function |
Example: To listen for detail preview popup to show up.
function handler() { }
VTAP.Event.Register('DETAIL_PREVIEW_SHOWN', handler);
VTAP.Event.DeRegister(eventname, handlerName) : You can de-register for events that you have registered with the Event.Register API. Parameters and return type are the same as the Register API.
Example :
function handler() { }
VTAP.Event.DeRegister('DETAIL_PREVIEW_SHOWN', handler);
VTAP.Event.Trigger(eventname, data) : You can trigger custom events using this API, generally used when you have custom buttons, links and widgets.
eventname | string | name of the event, list of supported events are here |
data | object | key value pair of data that you want to send to the listening handler. |
Example: To trigger a custom event on a page..
VTAP.Event.Trigger('MY_CUSTOM_EVENT', ({"id":VTAP.Detail.Id(), "module":VTAP.Detail.Module()});
Provides helper functions to work with real-time notifications.
VTAP.Notification.Trigger(module, data) : This is used to send real-time notification from client-side to other connected users on the same module.
module | string | name of the module |
data | object | key value pair of data that you want to send to the listening handler. |
Example: To trigger notification on Contact Detail View for all connected users.
VTAP.Notification.Trigger('Contacts', ({"id":VTAP.Detail.Id(), "user_name":VTAP.User().user_name, "mode":"accessed"});
Example: To trigger notification on Contact Detail View for only specific connected users.
VTAP.Notification.Trigger('Contacts', ({"id":VTAP.Detail.Id(), "user_name":VTAP.User().user_name, "mode":"accessed","users": [1, 6]});
VTAP.Notification.Listen(module, callback): This helps you listen on the event notification sent using VTAP.Notification.Trigger api.
module | string | name of the module |
callback | function | user handler function |
Example: To listen to notification triggers.
VTAP.Notification.Listen('Contacts', (data) => {
//data has the custom info send from Notification.Trigger api
VTAP.AppData.Save(module, data, callback) : It saves the data for the module.
module | string | name of the module |
data | object | data_key is used to store the key and data_value is where actual data is stored. Use onlyadmin flag to allow only admins to read/write. Ex : ({"data_key":"secret", "data_value":"wrfs3fr","onlyadmin":true}) |
callback | function | user handler function |
VTAP.AppData.Save("my_extension_name", {"data_key" : "username", "data_value" : "something@email.com"}, (error, success) => {
VTAP.AppData.Get(module, data, callback) : This is used to fetch the app data that is stored using VTAP.AppData.Save api.
module | string | name of the module |
data | object | data_key is used to retrieve the key. Ex : ({"data_key":"secret"}) |
callback | function | user handler function |
VTAP.AppData.Get("my_extension_name", {"data_key":"username"},
(error, success) => {
VTAP.UserData.Delete(module, data, callback) : It will delete the data saved by UserData.Save api.
VTAP.UserData.Delete("extension_name", {"data_key" : "conversation", "id" : "23"}, (error, success) => {
Provides helper functions to include external resources like Javascript libraries, style sheets.
VTAP.Resource.Require(path, type) : This will let you add external resources to use them in your components.
path | String | Path to external script |
type | String | Default value is “script”, if you are including style sheets then set type as “style” |
Note: Before using any resource you need to whitelist the domain in Module Designer > Settings > Add Domain
Provides a helper function to gather the OAuth grant from the user of the application to further interact with APIs of third-party-services (setup through API designer).
This will open up the service that is registered for the module. This depends on the oauth client app that you have registered in your application.
Any OAuth needs an client app to be registered, this setup is generally done by the administrators. Admins will be first prompted to provide client details like Client ID, Client Secret, Auth URL, Token URL and Scopes. Refer the screenshot here, once the setup is done then only other users will be able to use it.
After saving the details, if they are correct then we will redirect and open popup requesting grant from the target application.
service | String | name of the service |
module | String | name of the module |
callback | function | user handler function |
VTAP.OAuth.Authorize("3PService", "Contacts", (error, success) => {
Checks if a service is already authorized or not.
VTAP.OAuth.IsAuthorized("3PService", "Contacts", (response) => {
if(response.authorized) {
//user has authorized
Removes oauth tokens which has earlier obtained using Authorize api.
VTAP.OAuth.Revoke("3PService", "Contacts", (response) => {
Show oauth client app details which was earlier saved by admins. This should generally be used when admins wants to change client secret or scopes.
VTAP.OAuth.ShowAuthClientDetailsPopup("3PService", "Contacts");
Revokes a oauth client app details which was earlier saved by admins.
VTAP.OAuth.DeleteAuthClientDetails("3PService", "Contacts").then((success){
}, (error) => {
This object exposes api's that will help you add custom behaviour on the Vtiger Fields. Fields are pieces of information which make a CRM record. For example Contact first name, last name, Company Name are considered as field in Vtiger.
This API lets you register custom field validation. You may want to avoid your agents making mistakes of filling incorrect values in the CRM. For example, VAT number should be strictly 16 character length, or tracking shipping delivery code should
fieldname | String | name of the field where custom validation should be applied |
module | String | name of the module |
handlerFunction | function | the function will have the logic to decide the validation rules, and returns true/false |
errorHandler | function | returns the error message that should be shown when validation fails. |
//Adding validation for Contact's First name to be not empty.
VTAP.Field.RegisterValidator('firstname','Contacts', (value) => {
if(value == '') {
return false;
}, (error) => {
return "First name cannot be empty";
//Adding validation for Contact's Mobile number cannot be less than 10 digit
VTAP.Field.RegisterValidator('mobile','Contacts', (value) => {
if(value.length < 10) {
return false;
}, (error) => {
return "Mobile should be atleast 10 digits!!";
This API will enable you to add validation for field type. For instance if you want to add same validation to all the email fields, or phone fields or url fields then you need to use this field. Another example is you want to avoid adding any email address in any of the email field with gmail.com/outlook.com in Contacts module. The definition of the API is same as RegisterValidator, except the first argument is field type instead of field name.
fieldtype | String | field type like 'email', 'phone', 'url', 'multicurrency', 'picklist', 'text', 'boolean', 'percentage', 'richtext', 'image', 'file', 'metricpicklist', 'grid', 'datetime', 'radio', 'anniversary', 'owner' |
module | String | name of the module |
handlerFunction | function | the function will have the logic to decide the validation rules, and returns true/false |
errorHandler | function | returns the error message that should be shown when validation fails. |
//Adding validation for Contact's First name to be not empty.
VTAP.Field.RegisterValidatorForType('email','Contacts', (value) => {
if(value != '' && value.indexOf('gmail.com') !== -1) {
return false;
}, (error) => {
return "We do not accept gmail addresses";
//Adding validation for Contact's Mobile number cannot be less than 10 digit
VTAP.Field.RegisterValidatorForType('phone','Contacts', (value) => {
if(value.length < 10) {
return false;
}, (fieldLabel) => {
return fieldLabel+" should be atleast 10 digits!!";
Component Types
Type | Description | Example |
LIST_ADD_VIEWTYPE | Add custom views like kanban, calendar view in list view. | VTAP.Component.Register('LIST_ADD_VIEWTYPE', {name : 'ChartView', icon : 'fa-barchart', 'label' : Chart View'}); Note : Once added it will search for a component named “ChartView”, you need to register component Vtiger_Component_ChartView = VTAP.Component.Core.extend({ }); To understand the typical structure of a vtiger component click here |
LIST_ADVANCED_SETTING | In the List page we show settings icons next to navigation for admins, your custom option will be available here. Generally used to store extension settings. VTAP.Component.Register('LIST_ADVANCED_SETTING', {name : 'Workflows', clickHandler : () => { } }); | |
LIST_BASIC_BUTTON | Add a custom button in the list page next to the Add Record button. | VTAP.Component.Register('LIST_BASIC_BUTTON', {label:'Custom', icon:'fa fa-pencil', varient:'btn btn-primary', clickHandler: () => { } }, '', {module:'Contacts'}); For icon you can use any font awesome icon class, and for varient you can use any bootstrap button class. clickHandler is a function. |
LIST_ROW_BASIC_ACTION | Every list row has actions on the right side, your component can add any element but recommended is an icon. | VTAP.Component.Register('LIST_ROW_BASIC_ACTION', {icon:'fa fa-plus',label:'Send email',clickHandler: () => {}}, '', {module:'Contacts'}); |
LIST_ROW_SECONDARY_ACTION | This will add a component to the left side of every row in the list page. | VTAP.Component.Register('LIST_ROW_SECONDARY_ACTION', {icon:'fa fa-plus',label:'Send email',clickHandler: () => {}}, '', {module:'Contacts'}); |
LIST_MASS_ACTION | It will add an icon in the list view mass actions. | VTAP.Component.Register('LIST_MASS_ACTION', {icon:'fa-pencil',name:'Edit',clickHandler:()=>{},showHandler:()=>{}}, false, {module:'Contacts'}); |
GLOBAL_ACTION | It will add a component at the top of the page where search and other actions are available. These actions will be available in all the pages. | VTAP.Component.Register('GLOBAL_ACTION', {icon:'fa fa-plus',label:'Send email',clickHandler: () => {}}, '', FILTER); |
DETAIL_ONEVIEW_WIDGET | It will let you add widget in One view related tab of the detail page | VTAP.Component.Register('DETAIL_ONEVIEW_WIDGET', {}, VTAP.Component.Load('NAME','MODULE'), FILTER); |
DETAIL_MORE_ACTION_ITEM | Add custom actions from 3 dots on the top right side of the detail page. | VTAP.Component.Register('DETAIL_MORE_ACTION_ITEM', {icon:'fa fa-plus',label:'Send email',clickHandler: () => {}}, '', FILTER); |
DETAIL_BASIC_BUTTON | Add a button in detail view header where other actions are available. | VTAP.Component.Register('DETAIL_BASIC_BUTTON', {label:'Custom', icon:'fa fa-pencil', varient:'btn btn-primary', clickHandler: () => { } }, '', FILTER); |
DETAIL_ACTION_ICON | Add an actionable icon in more actions(3 dots) in the detail page. | VTAP.Component.Register('DETAIL_ACTION_ICON', {name:'',icon:'',showHandler:() => {},clickHandler: () => {}}, '', FILTER); |
DETAIL_HEADER_WIDGET | Add component in the detail page header. | VTAP.Component.Register('DETAIL_HEADER_WIDGET', {}, VTAP.Component.Load("COMPONENT_NAME","MODULENAME"), FILTER); |
DETAIL_RELATED_RECORD_ACTION | Add a custom action for records appearing in the related list. | VTAP.Component.Register('DETAIL_RELATED_RECORD_ACTION', {icon:'fa fa-plus',label:'Send email',clickHandler: () => {}}, '', FILTER); |
DETAIL_MORE_ACTION_ACTIVITY_ITEM | Add custom action under the detail page with more actions, inside “Reach out now” section. | VTAP.Component.Register('DETAIL_MORE_ACTION_ACTIVITY_ITEM', {icon:'fa fa-plus',label:'Send email',clickHandler: () => {}}, '', FILTER); |
DETAIL_SUMMARY_WIDGET | Add custom widget in detail page summary view. | VTAP.Component.Register('DETAIL_SUMMARY_WIDGET', {}, VTAP.Component.Load('NAME','MODULE'), FILTER); |
Event Types
List of UI Events triggered from core / custom components on different pages.
Type | Description | Example |
DETAIL_PREVIEW_SHOWN | When record detail preview popup is shown. | VTAP.Event.Register('DETAIL_PREVIEW_SHOWN', (data) => { }); |
DETAIL_PREVIEW_HIDDEN | When record detail preview popup is hidden. | VTAP.Event.Register('DETAIL_PREVIEW_HIDDEN', (data) => { }); |
DETAIL_ALLFIELDS_SHOWN | When record detail page all field popup is shown. See here. | VTAP.Event.Register('DETAIL_ALLFIELDS_SHOWN', (data) => { }); |
DETAIL_ALLFIELDS_HIDDEN | When record detail page all fields popup is hidden. | VTAP.Event.Register('DETAIL_ALLFIELDS_HIDDEN', (data) => { }); |
EDIT_MODAL_SHOWN | When record edit page is shown. | VTAP.Event.Register('EDIT_MODAL_SHOWN', (data) => { }); |
EDIT_MODAL_HIDDEN | When record edit page is hidden. | VTAP.Event.Register('EDIT_MODAL_HIDDEN', (data) => { }); |
CREATE_MODAL_SHOWN | When record create page is shown. | VTAP.Event.Register('CREATE_MODAL_SHOWN', (data) => { }); |
RECORD_CREATED | When record is created from any where inside the crm. | VTAP.Event.Register('RECORD_CREATED', (module, record) => { }); |
RECORD_UPDATED | When record is updated from any where inside the crm. | VTAP.Event.Register('RECORD_UPDATED', (module, record) => { }); |
RECORD_SAVED | When you want to listen to both record created/updated from any where inside the crm. | VTAP.Event.Register('RECORD_SAVED', (module, record) => { }); |
RECORD_DELETED | This event is triggered after record is deleted. This is triggered from detail page. | VTAP.Event.Register('RECORD_DELETED', (module, id) => { }); |
MASS_RECORD_DELETED | This event is triggered after multiple records are deleted from list page. | VTAP.Event.Register('MASS_RECORD_DELETED', (module, ids) => { }); |
ONE_VIEW_RELOAD | You can refresh one view related lists by triggering this event. This should be done after you add/update record from one view section. | VTAP.Event.Trigger('ONE_VIEW_RELOAD'); |
EVENT_SHOW_INVITEES | Triggers the display of the Invitees block. | VTAP.Event.Trigger('EVENT_SHOW_INVITEES'); |
EVENT_HIDE_INVITEES | Hides the Invitees block. | VTAP.Event.Trigger('EVENT_HIDE_INVITEES'); |