Layout Designer

The Layout Designer in Vtiger CRM is a powerful tool that allows users to create custom UI layouts for each module, tailoring the CRM experience to specific business needs. Whether you’re tired of the default module layouts or struggling to find widgets that suit your workflow, the Layout Designer offers a solution by providing a flexible, user-friendly interface for designing personalized layouts.

The above image shows the Layout Editor.

Layout Editor Can be used for creating :

  • Customizable Column Layouts: Users can configure module layouts by selecting from one, two, or three-column basic blocks. For example, selecting a two-column layout divides the screen into two columns where widgets can be easily dragged and dropped.

  • Drag-and-Drop Interface: The intuitive drag-and-drop interface allows users to customize various elements such as fields, icons, and related lists. This makes it possible to design layouts that are perfectly aligned with users' roles and responsibilities.

  • Field Customization: In specific modules like Contacts, users can organize fields like Salutation, First Name, Last Name, Primary Email, Date of Birth, and more. This customization ensures that all relevant information is easily accessible within the layout.

  • Inclusion of Related Lists: Users can add related lists—such as Organizations, Deals, and Sales Orders—directly into the layout, making it easy to access all pertinent data within a single view.

  • Dynamic Element Integration: The Layout Designer supports the addition of dynamic elements like images and tables. Widgets can be deleted or replaced using the drag-and-drop method, offering flexibility in layout design.

  • Support for Dynamic Dependencies: Fields can be displayed, hidden, or made mandatory based on the values of other fields, providing a dynamic and responsive CRM experience. For instance, a field's visibility or required status is determined by its dependency settings in the Module Layouts and Fields.

  • Enhanced Usability and Effectiveness: By allowing users to create contextually relevant layouts, the Layout Designer improves data alignment, streamlines workflows, and enhances the overall user experience in Vtiger CRM.

Benefits of Using Layout Designer

  • Personalized User Experience: By allowing users to add custom fields and organize them according to their preferences, Layout Designer enhances the user experience and makes the CRM more intuitive.

  • Better Data Management: Layout Designer enables the customization of fields and their placement, improving data organization and management. It also allows for the hiding of sensitive information and the highlighting of relevant data.

  • UI Enhancements: The tool improves the visual appeal and usability of the CRM by providing options to arrange and customize widgets and fields, making user interaction more efficient and enjoyable.

  • Scalability and Flexibility: As business processes evolve, Layout Designer offers the flexibility to modify layouts to meet new requirements, ensuring that Vtiger CRM remains scalable and adaptable over time.

For more information on how to use the Layout Designer you can refer this guide