Vtiger Design System (a.k.a VDS) provides core HTML components as part of VTAP. These components can be used when creating your custom pages, widgets, popups.
Drop-down component with options.
<v-select2 :required=true :emptyOption=false
v-model="" :multiple=false :options=""></v-selec2>
Property | Type | Default | Description |
required | bool | false | true - mandatory, false - optional |
emptyOption | bool | false | true - show empty option, false - otherwise |
v-model | string | - | store the choice made into variable |
multiple | bool | false | true - allow multiple selection, false - otherwise |
options | object | - | list of map: [ {label: 'Private', value: 'private'}. {label: 'Public', value: 'public'} ] |
A custom toggle switch component.
<vds-switch v-model="" :disabled=false :status=false label="" ></vds-switch>
Property | Type | Default | Description |
v-model | string | - | store the choice made into variable |
disabled | bool | false | true - disables the switch, making it non-clickable |
status | bool | false | true - controls the checked state of the switch i.e switch is on |
label | string | - | optional text label displayed next to the switch |
A custom checkbox component.
<vds-checkbox v-model="" :disabled=false :status=false name="" :type="" label="" ></vds-checkbox>
Property | Type | Default | Description |
v-model | string | - | store the choice made into variable |
disabled | bool | false | true - disables the checkbox, making it non-clickable |
status | bool | false | true - controls the checked state of the checkbox i.e checkbox is checked |
name | string | - | defines the name attribute of the checkbox, helps in identifying the checkboxes |
type | string | checkbox | radio - shows radio button instead of checkbox |
label | string | - | optional text label displayed next to the switch |
A progress bar component.
<vds-progress :value="" :size="'lg'" customColourCode="" :total="" @vds::progressbar::clicked=""></vds-progress>
Property | Type | Default | Description |
value | number | - | A number representing the progress percentage to be shown in the progress |
size | string | 'lg' | A string controlling the size of the progress bar. It accepts values like 'xxl', 'xl', 'lg', 'md', 'sm' |
customColorCode | string | - | A string allowing you to specify a custom background color for the progress bar |
total | - | - | Displays a value inside the progress made of the progress bar |
vds::progressbar::clicked | - | - | Binds the custom click event to a method |
A date picker component.
:validators="{ required: true }"
:placeHolder="'Select Date'"
:pickerPosition="{ horizontal: 'right', vertical: 'bottom' }"
Property | Type | Default | Description |
dateFormat | string | - | Defines the format in which the date will be displayed |
name | string | - | The name of the date picker input field |
validators | object | - | Custom validation rules for the date input (e.g., { required: true }) |
placeHolder | string | - | Placeholder text to show when no date is selected |
readonly | bool | false | true - disables the input so the user cannot interact with or modify it |
allowdefault | bool | false | true - sets a default date (current date) when no date is selected |
pickerPosition | object | - | Controls the position of the date picker widget (e.g., { horizontal: 'right', vertical: 'bottom' }) |
A date range picker component that allows users to select a range of dates.
Property | Type | Default | Description |
v-model | string | - | store the choice made into variable |
dateFormat | string | 'MM/DD/YYYY' | The format for displaying dates |
name | string | - | The name attribute for the input field |
showDefaultDateRange | bool | false | true - the date range picker will automatically show the default date range when initialized |
An inline date picker component that allows users to select a single date.
Property | Type | Default | Description |
v-model | string | - | store the choice made into variable |
dateFormat | string | 'MM/DD/YYYY' | The format for displaying dates |
A time picker component that allows users to select a time.
<vds-timepicker v-model="selectedTime" :timeFormat="'24'" :field="{ name: 'appointmentTime', validateRules: { required: true } }" :disabled="false"></vds-timepicker>
Property | Type | Default | Description |
v-model | string | - | store the choice made into variable |
timeFormat | string, number | - | Defines the time format. Use '24' for 24-hour format or '12' for 12-hour format |
field | object | { validateRules: {} } | An object containing the field name and validation rules for the time picker |
disabled | bool | false | true - the user wont be able to select time |
A navigation component for paginated data.
Property | Type | Default | Description |
currentPage | number | - | Controls the currently active page number for pagination |
totalcount | number | - | Represents the total number of records available across all pages |
pageLimit | number | - | Defines the number of records displayed on each page |
showPageJump | bool | true | true - a dropdown is displayed allowing users to jump to a specific page, false - doesn't show any dropdown |
An enhanced input component with clearing functionality and custom events.
Property | Type | Default | Description |
inputvalue | string | - | This is the value that will be entered into the input field |
placeholder | string | - | Placeholder text shown inside the input field when it is empty |
iconclass | bool | false | true - displays an icon inside the input field for clearing the input |
autofocus | bool | false | true - the input field is automatically focused when the component is mounted |
vds::search::on::keyup | event | - | This event is emitted whenever a key is pressed inside the input field. The event object is passed as an argument, which you can use to capture the key pressed or other details |
vds::search::on::enter | event | - | This event allows you to easily trigger actions such as performing a search when the user submits their query by pressing the "Enter" key |
A custom field label component.
Property | Type | Default | Description |
field | object | - | Object containing field information, such as name, label, and type |
module | string | - | Module Name |
isEditView | bool | false | Indicates if the current view is an edit view |
smallLabels | bool | false | Controls if the label should be displayed in a smaller size |
largeLabels | bool | false | Controls if the label should be displayed in a larger size |
A custom dropdown component to select or copy an address from organization or related records in the inventory system.
<vds-inventory-address-dropdown :field="{fieldname: 'bill_street'}" :editable=true :record="recordData"></vds-inventory-address-dropdown>
Property | Type | Default | Description |
field | object | - | It is a mandatory field. Field object that represents the address field in the inventory, used to determine if the field is for billing or shipping address (i.e bill_street or ship_street) |
editable | bool | true | false - the dropdown is disabled and non-selectable |
record | object | - | The record object that contains multipleaddresses. These addresses are displayed as options in the dropdown for selection. Options are grouped under "Copy from Organization" (for account_id addresses) or "Copy from Related To" (for related_to addresses), with additional options for copying between billing and shipping addresses |
Example for recordData :
recordData: {
multipleaddresses: {
account_id: [
{ id: '1', name: '' },
{ id: '2', name: '' }
related_to: [
{ id: '3', name: '' },
{ id: '4', name: '' }
A component to toggle the star status of a record.
<vds-record-star :status="false" :recordId="" module="" @update:status=""></vds-record-star>
Property | Type | Default | Description |
status | bool | false | true - indicates the record is starred |
recordId | number | false | crmID of the record |
module | string | - | Module Name to which the record belongs |
@update:status | event | - | Emitted when the star status changes. Passes the updated status (true for starred, false for unstarred) |
A component to search, select, and manage email addresses from multiple sources (e.g., users, groups, and modules).
Property | Type | Default | Description |
searchModule | string, array | - | Defines the module(s) to search within. Accepts either a string or an array of module names |
sourceModule | string | - | Specifies the source module to use for the email search |
searcUsers | number | - | Controls whether users are included in the search (1 to include, 0 to exclude) |
searchGroups | number | - | Controls whether groups are included in the search (1 to include, 0 to exclude) |
selected | string, array, object | - | The currently selected email address(es). Can be a string, array, or object depending on the selection |
maximumSelectionLength | number | 0 | Sets the maximum number of email addresses that can be selected. When the limit is crossed, shows a max selection message |
showNoResultsMsg | bool | false | true - Displays a custom "no results found" message if no matching emails are found |
A component to render content inside an iframe
<vds-iframe :content="iframeContent"></vds-iframe>
Property | Type | Default | Description |
content | string | - | HTML content to be displayed inside the iframe |
A component to display basic text content.
<vds-document-basic :content="textContent"></vds-document-basic>
Property | Type | Default | Description |
content | string | - | The text content to be displayed |
A component to display a PDF Document within an iframe.
<vds-document-pdf :filePath="pdfFilePath" :divheight="iframeHeight"></vds-document-pdf>
Property | Type | Default | Description |
filePath | string | - | The path or URL to the PDF file to be displayed |
divheight | number | - | The height of the iframe in pixels |
A component to display OpenDocument files (like .odt) within an iframe.
<vds-document-opendoc :recordId="" :fileId=""></vds-document-opendoc>
Property | Type | Default | Description |
recordId | string | - | The ID of the record containing the document |
fileId | string | - | The ID of the file to be displayed |
A component to display an image.
<vds-document-image :imgPath="path/to/imageFile"></vds-document-image>
Property | Type | Default | Description |
image | string | - | The path or URL to the image file to be displayed |
A component to display audio player for playing audio files.
<vds-document-audio :filePath="path/to/audioFile" :fileType=""></vds-document-audio>
Property | Type | Default | Description |
filePath | string | - | The path or URL to the audio file to be played |
fileType | string | - | The type of the audio file (e.g., audio/mpeg) |
A component to display a video player for playing videos.
<vds-document-video :filePath="path/to/videoFile" :fileType=""></vds-document-video>
Property | Type | Default | Description |
filePath | string | - | The path or URL to the video file to be played |
fileType | string | - | The MIME type of the video file (e.g., video/mp4) |
A component to display a set of action tiles in a wizard view.
<vds-wizardtiles :actions="actions" @vds::wizardtile::select="handleActionSelect"/>
Property | Type | Default | Description |
actions | object | {} | An object containing a list of actions. Each action should have icon, info, and label properties |
@vds::wizardtile::select | Event | - | Emitted when a tile is clicked. The payload is the clicked action object |
A component to display a list of actions as selectable tiles with checkboxes.
<vds-multiple-selection-tiles :actions="actions" :selectedActions="selectedActions" @vds::wizardtilerectangle::select="handleSelect"/>
Property | Type | Default | Description |
actions | object | - | An object or array containing a list of actions. Each action should have an id and a label property |
selectedActions | array | - | An array of action IDs that are currently selected |
@vds::wizardtilerectangle::select | Event | - | Emitted when a tile is clicked. The payload is the clicked action object |
A component to display a list of actions in rectangular tiles with icons.
<vds-wizardtiles-rectangle :actions="actions" @vds::wizardtilerectangle::select="handleSelect"/>
Property | Type | Default | Description |
actions | object | - | An object containing a list of actions. Each action should have label, icon, and optionally isAllowed properties |
@vds::wizardtilerectangle::select | Event | - | Emitted when a tile is clicked. The payload is the clicked action object |
A component to display a file icon with customizable size and color.
<vds-file-icon :icon="" :customClass=""/>
Property | Type | Default | Description |
icon | String/Object | fa-info-circle | Specifies the Font Awesome icon class to display. It can be a string or an object |
customClass | String | - | An optional class to apply additional styling to the icon |
Examples of icon :
A component to display a multi-step process as breadcrumb-like navigation.
<vds-multi-step-wizard :selectedStep="currentStep" :steps="stepsList"/>
Property | Type | Default | Description |
selectStep | String, Number | - | The current step in the wizard. Can be used with v-model to bind the selected step to a parent component |
steps | object | - | An object containing the list of steps in the wizard. The object keys represent step identifiers (String or Number), and the values are the labels displayed for each step |
A color picker component to select colors from a predefined palette or choose a custom color.
<vds-color-picker v-model="selectedColor" :selectedColors="['#ff0000','#00ff00']" />
Property | Type | Default | Description |
v-model | string | - | store the choice made into variable |
selectedColors | Array | - | An array of colors to prioritize and display prominently at the end of the color list |
A star rating component that allows users to rate something by clicking on stars.
<vds-rating :rating="" :editable="true"></vds-rating>
Property | Type | Default | Description |
rating | Number, String | 0 | The current rating value to display |
editable | bool | true | false - rating cannot be changes by the user |
A visual indicator for typing activity, used in chat applications to show that someone is typing.
A circular progress bar that shows a percentage completion in a circular format.
<vds-circular-progress :radius="50" :progress="70" :stroke="10" progressMessage="70% Complete"></vds-circular-progress>
Property | Type | Default | Description |
radius | number | - | The radius of the circular progress bar |
progress | number | - | The percentage of progress (0-100) |
stroke | number | - | The width of the stroke |
progressMessage | string | - | A message displayed inside the circular progress bar |