Server Scripts

Server Scripts and Jobs empower you to craft server-side scripts for executing diverse tasks. Often there arises a necessity for customized processing on the server, either triggered by record updates or scheduled intervals. This module empowers Vtiger users to author server-side scripts for executing diverse tasks. Through this capability, users can enact custom actions upon record saving or upon approval or rejection. Moreover, they can devise bespoke background tasks to execute at predetermined intervals.

Use Cases

  • Validate contact email addresses.
  • Enhance lead information.
  • Sync customer credit scores with CRM.
  • Execute business rule-based actions, like checking if it's a weekend.
  • Regularly import leads from external sources.
  • Update parent or child records based on business rules.
  • Merge CRM data with external data to create or update related records.
  • Send CRM data to a data warehouse.
  • Integrate AI for customer sentiment analysis in feedback. These are just a few examples of what you can do.

Server Scripts : Server Scripts are triggered by specific actions, such as when a record is saved, approved, or rejected. They're ideal for lighter tasks like updating fields based on business logic.

  • Triggered during record save, approval, or rejection.
  • Access both the record data and user information.
  • Useful for tasks like updating fields, creating records in other modules, or sending emails.
  • Changes made to the record data are updated in the CRM.
  • Execute immediately but can slow down record saves if too complex.

Server Jobs : Server Jobs run at scheduled intervals, making them perfect for heavier, periodic tasks.

  • Run in the background at set times (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly).
  • Do not use user or record data, but operate under the owner user's context.
  • Ideal for tasks like fetching or sending data to external services. They don't interfere with CRM operations as they run in the background.

For more information and details on how to use the Server Scripts refer this guide